The undergraduate programme in English Language Education Study Programme (ELESP) is one of the University prospectuses programmes to be developed at the international level. The Faculty of Letters and Cultures (FLC) offers this bachelor programme. Throughout its history and development, ELESP has received increasing recognition from various parties, including accreditation status B (very good) with a score of 3.61 from BAN PT since 2015, which is still valid today (certificate attached). It can be attributed to the increased amount and quality of human resources, such as teaching staff, academic staff, curriculum, facilities, and infrastructure, as well as the quantity and quality of students, all of which contribute to the increasing number of global student activities.
The contribution of the ELESP to UNG's vision and mission for international standards cannot be separated from the development of Good Faculty Governance as a policy direction for the Faculty of Letters and Culture, including the development of international-based collaborative research and publications, development of digital education and teaching, development of community service activities with involving foreign universities, developing national and international partnerships and networks. With several international partnerships, the university aims to emphasize its international orientation and objectives, which will be further enhanced in the coming years by accreditation and certification from abroad.
English Language Education Study Programme (ELESP) is one of the study programmes offered by the Faculty of Letters and Culture at UNG, established in 1983 under the name of Department of Language and Arts. The program was initially affiliated with the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, FKIP), University of Sam Ratulangi (UNSRAT) offering two programmes; Diploma I and Diploma II. In September 1985, the Department was given full authority to manage the Bachelor (S1) program. ELESP was first introduced in 1996 with the Decree of Higher Education Directorate General No: 253/DIKTI/Kep/1996 concerning the naming of study programmes in STKIP Negeri Gorontalo. The College of Teacher Education and Training (STKIP) became the Institute of Teacher Education and Training (IKIP) in 2001. Later in 2004, the Institute of Teacher Education and Training of Gorontalo changed its name to Universitas Negeri Gorontalo (UNG) by order of Presidential Decree 54. There are currently eleven faculties at UNG, one of which is the Faculty of Letters and Culture under which the ELESP is housed.
B (SK DIKTI 7367/SK/BAN-PT/Ak-PPJ/S/XI/2020)
Grade Appeal
Submission of Students' Grades to SIAT
Final Examination Week
Final Day of Odd Semester